Forum LIFE in Haute Durance
Lately, on 18th of October, the LIFE ELIA-RTE team took part in a ‘Forum LIFE Biodiversité’ which occurred in the village of Baratier in Hautes-Alpes.
Lately, on 18th of October, the LIFE ELIA-RTE team took part in a 'Forum LIFE Biodiversité' which occurred in the village of Baratier in Hautes-Alpes. The goal of this meeting was to present the LIFE ELIA-RTE and its particular role in the French national and regional strategies of biodiversity preservation.
The program was focused on the means for conciliation of biodiversity and infrastructure facilities, with, as background, the project of renewing of the electric lines in Haute Durance.
This forum was organized in two parts: the first was dedicated to speeches, whereas the second consisted in a round table in which took place some exchanges among speakers and a time of debate with the audience as well.

Different administrations and structures gave a talk. These speakers talked in name of:
- the National Forest Office (ONF), describing the historical context and the current state of the forest in Hautes-Alpes, as well as the ins and outs of the current project
- the Regional Direction 'DREAL' who depicted the implementation of the green and blue network ("Trame verte et bleue") and of regional scheme for ecological coherency ("SRCE")
- the LIFE ELIA-RTE who presented the main goals of the project and the opportunities of implementations under high voltage lines in Haute Durance
- the consulting office ECOMED who has analyzed the natural patrimony involved in the this project
- the Conservatoire Botanique National Alpin who presented some of the local botanical richness as well as the partnerships that could be developed with the LIFE project
- Michel Phisel, a naturalist who is following especially the populations of Fire-Bellied Toad and explained the favorable role that the LIFE ELIA-RTE can play for the deployment of this species in Haute Durance
- And finally, Gérard Robinot, head of the project in RTE.
Altogether, about 50 people from various horizons (politicians, spokesmens of administrations, Natura 2000, ONF, naturalists...) took part in this forum.

The goal of the LIFE ELIA-RTE project is, as anywhere else, to deploy biodiversity under the electric high tension lines. It just acts at the level of the first steps of a project of renovation of the network of electricity transportation in Haute Durance.
Within a close future, coordination meetings with local stakeholders will be organized in order to target precisely the areas where the LIFE will be implemented, the species and the habitats of high importance, as well as the types of actions to implement.
During this forum, a general leaflet presenting the LIFE project has been passed around to each people, as well as a specific leaflet presenting the project in Haute Durance (see PDF below). The latest presents the opportunities of implementations, the species and the habitats which are typical for the area. New leaflets will be printed during the course of the project to portray the main evolutions.
Additionally, six posters (A0 format) presenting respectively the implementation of the LIFE project, the cartography method, the working areas, the various actions to implement, the monitoring of biological indicators and the communication tools were presented.

The event has been covered by four journalists of the written and radio media.