LIFE ELIA meeting ELES in Slovenia
Two members of the LIFE ELIA project met on April 24th 2014 the Slovenian Transmission System Operator : ELES. The meeting took place in Ljubljana and was followed by a field trip to illustrate actions undertaken by ELES to manage vegetation in accordance to nature conservation.
New challenges in a changing society
Like every TSO we have met, ELES is facing a growing number of constraints when it comes to grid development. Some projects aiming at creating new lines towards Hungary are currently challenging ELES, since various stakeholders are raising awereness on biodiversity issues. ELES is doing the best to include these issues in their projects from the beginning. This aspect is sorted out by mitigation measures or actions for biodiversity under the lines.

On site visit : the Beriče substation and Zadrobova
We then went to see one of the biggest substation in Europe : the impressive Beriče substation. Power is transformed there in 100, 220 and 400 kV current.

After that, we visited a new line created in 2008 in Zadrobova where edges and vegetation were planted to enhance biodiversity. In this case, shrubs (similar species that those we use in Belgium) were located just under the line, but a safe access was kept on a 5 meters perimeter around pylons. Management is made by achieving selective logging or shrub removing. Bird markers were also installed on some lines.

Towards a contribution for a european vade-mecum
The LIFE ELIA project aims at writing a vade-mecum of best practices for vegetation management under the lines. Slovenia is a very interesting country for that action since it encompasses 3 different biogeographical zones : alpine, mediterranean and continental.