Meeting with Kraftnat in Sweden
The LIFE Elia-RTE project team was invited to present the LIFE project on May 4th 2017 in Sweden. Indeed, Kraftnät, which manages the high voltage grid in Sweden, is involved in a working group on vegetation management along transport infrastructure.

The Swedish network and biodiversity
The Swedish national grid for electricity consists of 15,000 km of power lines, about 160 substations and switching stations and 16 overseas connections.
In several parts of the network, Kraftnät, in cooperation with local nature conservation associations, has implemented biodiversity-friendly vegetation management measures. The main actions are the selective cutting of shrubs and the maintenance of meadows or dry grasslands, or the digging of ponds.

A multi-stakeholder working group and presentation of LIFE Elia-RTE
After a very interesting field visit, part of the Elia-RTE LIFE team was able to present the project to 15 people from a platform for reflection on biodiversity and linear infrastructures. A subject right in the middle of the LIFE Elia-RTE theme.

This platform brings together the following partners : Svenska kraftnät (Swedish national grid), the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Swedish Species Information Centre, SLU, Swedish Board of Agriculture, Calluna (naut conservation NGO), County Administrative Board Jönköping, Swedavia Swedish Airports, The Swedish Transport Administration, Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research.

A great opportunity to share the experiences of LIFE Elia-RTE and to learn from the actions developed in Sweden.