A state-owned industrial and commercial establishment created in 1964, the National Forestry Office is the first natural area manager in France. Its activity is governed by a multi-annual goals and means contract with the State. It ensures the sustainable management of French public forests, nearly 10 million hectares of forests and woodlands in mainland France and overseas departments and territories
mobilises wood resources for the timber sector: public forests account for about 40% of wood placed on the market in France
performs services for communities and private clients based on a decentralised territorial organization, agency work, consulting firms and networks of specialised skills
provides public service missions for the prevention and management of natural hazards: in the mountains with its RTM * services, on the coast with its Coast Task Force, in the South zone by mobilising its DFCI ** mission in conjunction with Public Safety
acts to increase the "biodiversity value" of forests by taking account of biodiversity in the ongoing management of forests and the importance of the network Natura 2000 in public forests, and by extending its network of biological reserves
acts to stimulate the role of the forest and "wood products" in the service of combating climate change
acts in the service of society by offering a friendly forest.
The exercise of these missions contributes to the maintenance of activities and jobs in rural areas.
*RTM: Restauration des terrains en montagne (Reclamation of Mountain Land)
**DFCI: Défense des forêts contre les incendies (Defence Against Forest Fires)
A multi-year contract with the State
The exercise of the various NFO missions is governed by a multi-year goals and means contract with the State. Signed in June 2006, this contract covers the period from 2007 to 2011. Under this contract, the NFO takes charge in particular for:
a sustainable, innovative and exemplary management of public forests
an enhanced contribution to the regular supply of the timber industry and the development of wood energy uses
development of its service delivery activities in order to meet public expectations, especially as regards the environment, welcoming the public in the forests and the prevention of natural hazards.